Practicing Gratitude

Livestrong Voices
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2018


As you read this excerpt from The Cancer Poetry Project, reflect on your journey in 2018: What challenged you? What did you appreciate? What are you grateful for?

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

While that is the definition, how do we actually practice gratitude? A quick google search will tell you to say thank you more frequently, be present, eat your favorite foods, avoid complaining or passing judgment for an entire day, or start a gratitude journal.

This idea of gratitude, acknowledgement of kindness with thanks, can be highly personal. Think of all the unique ways people show their gratitude, via letters, gifts, emails, or a small tokens of appreciation. It really got us thinking here at the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Therefore, we decided to ask our staff, many of whom have their own story of the cancer connection, what they are grateful for. We came up with 11 from the LIVESTRONG staff, and hope that the final 12th item of gratitude will be from you. We honor your fight and invite you to be part of the LIVESTRONG team.

So here it goes, the list of what LIVESTRONG employees are grateful for.

  1. Family (of origin and of choice) — “For their unconditional love and support, I know that they are going to be there no matter what.” Jessica, Director of Marketing and Communications.
  2. Flowers — “Every Sunday my partner and I go to Austin Flower Company, we purchase a few bundles of flowers, and $20 later we have enough flowers to fill 3 separate vases we have in our home. My favorite is the arrangement by the door, every day when I walk in from wherever I’m coming from, I can’t possibly feel any emotion except for happiness when I see the flowers right when I first walk in the door.” — David, Program Manager
  3. Work — “At work I feel like I am contributing more than my paycheck, I have an opportunity to connect with people with a shared experience and it makes me realize that the world isn’t so different.” Carly, Development Specialist
  4. Sunscreen — “As a melanoma survivor, I have sunscreen with me at all times and it’s important to me to always take time for self-care, especially when it comes to my skin. I know we hear about it every summer, but there is no bad time for sunscreen.” — Patrick, Product Manager
  5. Smiling — “Smiling is my favorite! We’ve heard that phrase before from “Elf”, but it really is my favorite. Whether someone flashes a smile at you, or you smile at someone else, this brings joy to everyone’s day.” Joel, Senior Accountant
  6. Snacks — “I’m grateful for the snack drawer in our office! I often forget to bring lunch and I am SO grateful we have a snack drawer filled with the best snacks on the planet. Plus, when I walk over to get a snack, it gives me an opportunity to talk to people on the other side of the office. I walk over at least once a day to grab a snack and socialize. It’s a great break in the middle of the work day!” Liz, Outreach and Fundraising Coordinator
  7. Human Connection — “Strangers who make noises back at you if they hear you make them, i.e. if you “caw” like a bird to get your friends attention, and a random stranger caws back or like a stranger catches you dancing at a friend and dances back from a far…I love that! I just really appreciate being reminded that we’re all, to some degree, on the same page. That we’re all just out here being humans.” Christian, Development Specialist
  8. Deep Breaths — “Breathing is the most natural thing you can do, when you’re feeling stressed out it gives you a chance to find a peaceful space within yourself.” Gerson, Office Manager
  9. Balance and Flexibility — “I have this job that I love, a family that I love, a community that I love. I’m also very involved in my local school, volunteering, and running. I’m just so grateful to have work-life balance and flexibility, and work somewhere that values that balance.” Amber, Human Resources
  10. Community — “Think about all the communities you’re involved in, I think about my spin, work, lacrosse, and volleyball communities. I’m grateful for my community because it provides me support when I need it most. The people of my community are always there for me, no matter what! KK, Program Manager
  11. You — “I’m grateful for YOU!!!” Helen, Director of Stewardship

Practicing gratitude when you have cancer can sometimes feel challenging. However, gratitude can shift our perspective on what we are dealing with, and encourage the development of positive thoughts. Practicing gratitude can also increase our resilience and ability to cope with difficult situations.

There are 32.6 million people around the world affected by cancer right now. We know that no one can face cancer alone. We honor the fight — your fight. And we are grateful for YOU!

What are you grateful for? It’s your turn to share things big or small that make you thankful. Comment below and let us know!

